28 Feb 2011

The Two Of Us (TaYoNg DaLawa)drama FiLipiNa

Salam..sape yg ikut cite Filipina The two of us..yg tayang kat A.prima tuh..pgi tdi sempat laa aku tgk episod last cite nih..besttt..sedey tgk..cuma yg x best tuh waktu tayangan cite nih sentiasa berubah-rubah..dri ptg pastu pagi2 buta lak..hari pun bertukar..penin aku..aku tgk cite nih sejak dri episod pertama lg..pastu sejak waktu siaran sntiasa brtukar-tukar aku dh malaz nk tgk..berhenti kejap tgk..kemudian x lama pastu aku dpt tau cite nih ditayangkan pkul 3 pagi setiap sabtu-isnin.. sape yg nk tgk pkul 3 pagi tuh..aku pun kdg2 je tgk terutama time2 yg aku x leh nak tidoo, or time tgh serabut pikir byk masalah..so layan la cite tuh jap kt tv..
serius wey beberapa episod last cite tuh mmg best..sedey sgt..mmg layann gak laa cite nih..kire berbaloi laa gak tgk cite nih walaupn dityangkan pagi2 buta..aku pun x tau tu siaran ulangan ke apa ke..sbb sebelum nih ada yg kata cite tu ditayangkan pda pukul 6 pagi lak..
apa pun aku ada letak sinopsis cite nih..so sape2 yg x pernah tgk cite nih dpt la tau sikit2 jln cite die..seLamat Membaca..  =)
Tayong Dalawa (lit. "The Two Of Us") is a Philippine primetime drama series broadcast on ABS-CBN and worldwide on TFC in 2009. It The story revolved around fraternal twin brothers (Jake Cuenca and Gerald Anderson) who share the same name, the same aspirations, and the same lady-of-interest (Kim Chiu).

Plot summary
David "JR" Garcia Jr. was born into a poor family. His father, David Sr., deserted his mother Marlene before he was born because his wife, Ingrid Garcia was pregnant with David "Dave" Garcia, Jr. When Audrey King and her family went to Tagaytay for a visit, she fell from a set of high stairs. JR saves her life and introduces himself as David Garcia Jr. after she asks for his name. When she gets to the hospital and is asked by the witnesses and her family who saved her, she says it's David Garcia Jr. - but Dave is given the credit instead of JR.
As she grows up falling in love with Dave, Dave meets JR and they become the best of friends, but their families did not approve on their friendship. Dave's family thought that JR just wanted to use Dave just for the money. The siblings' mothers would not let the two hang out, although their father allowed the friendship to continue, because there was something about JR that David Sr. liked. Dave's grandmother, Elizabeth, and JR's mother, Marlene, suspects David Sr is keeping the two boys' friendship alive.

Audrey's father, Stanley Sr, sends her to Cebu to continue her studies. JR and Audrey have a chance encounter in the airport and feel like they have seen each other before. Dave and JR are accepted into the Philippine Military Academy where they graduate at the top of their class. The family rivalry becomes worse as everyone finds out that Dave and JR are half-siblings when David Sr appears on graduation day. Elizabeth would exert all efforts to cover up the truth, to the point that she engineers Marlene's imprisonment. Things become even worse as David Sr. dies from a gunshot wound during a raid by gun smuggling boss Leo Cardenas on his armory on the suggestion of Ramon Lecumberri, JR and Dave's estranged older half-brother. It was followed by more events such as the death of Audrey's mother Loreta, Ramon killing Leo to save Lola Gets and the involvement of Audrey's younger brother, Stan Jr, in Ramon's syndicate. Further DNA testing confirms that Dave and JR are twins.

As things develop, Stanley kills Elizabeth over a financial dispute and frames JR. He was imprisoned and later broke out of jail with a former enemy, Ka Doroy, as part of a double agent operation with the military regarding the syndicate.[2] He discovers that the syndicate's boss, "Hunyango", is actually Marlon Cardenas, Dave's godfather and Leo's father.
After JR was hit in a later incident, Dave agrees to a kidney transplant to save his twin in exchange for a civil wedding to Audrey, but the marriage turns out to be fake because of Mamita's machinations. Dave and Audrey plan a church wedding, but Dave backs out. Audrey ends up marrying JR in church and later bears him a son named Adrian. However, she dies of heart disease a few days after giving birth.

The brothers eventually face off in a final showdown with Ramon, who agrees to surrender after Marlene's appeals and completing a plan to bring down his syndicate. However, a mentally-insane Ingrid shoots Ramon in the head while being taken into custody. He survives the shooting but doctors said the bullets rendered him blind.[3] Ingrid is then turned over to a psychiatric hospital by Dave. Ramon is sentenced to life imprisonment and makes amends with Marlene, JR, and Dave behind bars. The three, who visit Ramon from time to time, now live together with Robert, Adrian, Ula, Angela and Lily. The story ends with a cliffhanger: a woman and her son appears at the Garcia house one evening. They introduce themselves as Emma Garcia (a third wife of David Garcia Sr.) and David Anthony Garcia III.

24 Feb 2011

RaHsia LaHiR BuLaN ApRiL

Sapa yg lahir buLan ApriL??Meh baca ramai2 lalalalala...

P/RaYa KamPus yg Kontroversi.

Heboh ttg kehilangan pelajar, Mastura Abu BaKar yg merupakan caLon umum P/Raya Kampus Universiti Malaya (UM)..dia sebelum itu menerima ada menerima bbrp sms ugutan..sebelum hilang selama 33 jam..(lau x silap) sebelum dijumpai di masjid.emmm x sangka makin brutal plak mahasiswa2 zmn kini..siap boleh ugut2 lgi tuh..

Time aku dulu..waktu p/raya je mesti ada kontroversi..tp xdelaa smpai hilang sume..kalau dpt sms ugutan tuh mmg biasalaa, calon2 yg bertanding pastinya ada dpt sms yg berbau ugutan..tpi sekadar ugutan cmtu jela..xde laa sampai dibunuh ke apa ke..

Tpi dri pemerhatian aku..mmg setiap kali p/raya jer mesti ada penyokong2 yg fanatik..tu belum masuk para calon yg bersemangat nak berkempen tuh..fuhh..kadang2 nak tergelak pun ada gak tgk gelagat diorang ni sume..
Tpi yg aku heran tuh mesti je ada insiden2 yg x diingini berlaku..emmm minat sungguh diorang nak berpolitik nih hehe..tpi patutnya biarlah semuanya berjalan dengan telus dan teratur..tpi ni kdg2 aku tgk dh mcm gangster pun ada..ada gak yg sampai bergaduh, berperang mulut sume, kutuk-mengutuk, fitnah-memfitnah..
Well apa pun yg terjadi semoga UM terus unggUL, terBaiK daN MaNtappp..

VaRsiti keSayangaNku..suNgguh Banyak jaSaMu..

20 Feb 2011

kata2 BeSt dlm kAd KaHwEn

Dalam ekspedisi pungah memunggah barang2 kat umah aku.hari tuh..terjumpalah kad kahwin sape ntah..maybe kawan mak aku punye anak kot..mmg cantik dan kreatif kad kahwin tuh ala2 penanda buku gitu..comey..x sempat nak tngkp gmbr laa utk post kat sini hehe..yg paling aku suke sekali dlm kad kahwin berkenaan adalah kata2 yang terpapar dlm kad berkenaan iaitu:-

“Tidak perLu meNcaRi teMaN secaNtik BaLQis,
 anDai diRi tak seHebat SuLaiMan,
 meNgaPa mengHarapKan teMan setaMpaN YuSoF
 jiKa kaSih tak sEtuLuS ZuLaikHa,
 taK perLu meNghaRapkan teMan seteGuH iBraHim,
 anDai diRi taK seKuat Siti HajaR,
 daN menGapa didamBakaN teMan Hidup baK Siti KhadiJaH,
 kaLaU diRi tak seSEmpuRna RasuLuLLaH S.A.W..
 BimbiNgLah diRinYa dan teRimaLah kekuRangan itU
 sebaGai keUnikan,
 caRiLah keBaikan pada diRinya
 dan BerSyukurLah keRana dipeRtemUkan denGannya,
 tEtapLah BerDoa pada TuHan aGar diRi aKan teRus
 meNjadi miLikMu…………..”

Bestkan ayat2 kat atas nih..mantop..hehehe
Sekarang nih mcm2 jenis kad yg ada..lebih cantik,lebih kreatif gitu..dan kata2 lebih menarik..

19 Feb 2011


hYee uols…today is Saturday..apa aktiviti korang rini..lalala..petang nih xde cite best kat tv..especially cite bollywood..sebabnya semua cite tuh aku dh tengok..malaz nak tgk dh..kat tv3 adalah cite Hum Tum..lakonan Saif Ali Khan n Rani Mukerji..cite tuh mang best tpi aku dh ada vcd die..dulu dh tgk berkali-kali sampai x larat tgk dh hehe..

well semalam selepas tgk gelanggang Raja Lawak..aku pun bukak la tv2 ada drama tajuk Lawwaamah (BaRan) membariskan pelakon2 hebat macam Eman Manan, Rosyam Nor, Nasir Bilal Khan, Elly suriati dll..jarang aku tgk ada drama yg dpt mengandingkan diorang sume nih sekaligus..walaupun latar tempatnya bersuasanakan kawasan kampung..tapi jalan cite die kire oklaa..mengisahkan Nasir B.K yg amat panas baran..pantang ada org uat salah sikit mesti die mengamuknyer..isterinya (elly suriati) dh mcm tikus dh..sbb terlalu takut ngan suaminya yg pns brn tuh..diorang nih ada sorang anak perempuan..yg mmg amat tertekan giler dgn perangai ayahnya yg cepat naik angin tuh..org kampung pun x suka dgn si Nasir nih..so diorang pulaukan si Nasir nih..Nasir hanya ada sorang kawan baik iaitu Eman Manan..hanya Eman M.saja yg berani dan boleh berbincang dgn si Nasir..org lain mmg x berani..pendek katannya akibat panas baran yg melampau si Nasir nih telah menyusahkan semua orang termasuk anak dan isterinya serta org kampung..dan sikapnya ni akhirnya memakan diri sendiri..cite yg byk pengajaran..dan tahniah buat penerbit dan pengarah cite nih sbb berjaya mengumpulkan pelakon2 hebat berlakon dlm 1 dramaa yg byk pengajaran.. =)

lepas habis cite nih..ada plak cite My Best Friend Wedding..ala yg Julia Robert dan Cameron Diaz yg berlakon tuh..cite lama kan..aku pun dh lupa jalan cite die..so layankan jugak la cite tuh..hehehe..

17 Feb 2011

KisaH aKu, Dia & RestoRaN..

SaLAm..pe khabar sume..

Aku baru jer pas tgk cite KasHaF IMaNi kat Astro Ria tadi..ada sesape dh tgk x??best kan..aku suke jalan cite die..best dan terbaik laaa..pelakon die pun best dan terbaek..mcm Beto kushairy, Sharifah Imani..comeyy..especially tang part imani terkantoi dgn Kashaf tuh..hehehe..siap boleh ambik balik tin yg die dh buang tuh..klakar..malu beb..hehe..anyway cite die byk pengajaran..aku sukeee…sedihhhh gak tgk cite nih..
Tadi dapat makan ayam KFC hehe..lama siott x makan kfc..tadi my mum kuar gi teman kawan die so depa singgah kat KFC masa perjalanan balik..so dpt la makan KFC hari nih..

Sebut pasal makanan..rindu plak nak makan kat satu restoran di suatu tempat nih..dulu aku selalu gi sana ngan kawan baik aku..setiap kali kami kuar mesti kami akan makan kat situ..makanan kat situ mmg sedap..selalunya aku dan kawan aku akan order set nasi putih..mmg terbaik laaa..sedap glerrrr…windunyerrr….saat dan masa tuh..
Dulu waktu aku dan kawan aku selalu gi restoran tuh..harga makanan kat situ mmg murah dan berpatutan..hiasan dan lampu kat restoran tu cantik sgt ala2 eksklusif gitu..lampu warna kuning tau..ala2 romantik gitu..
Tapi sekarang restoran tu pun dah berubah dh mcm gak kawan baik aku tuh..haha..cam sehati sejiwa gak hehe..

Restoran tuh dh ubah dekorasi..x cantik macam dulu dah..x nmpk eksklusif dh..lagi K.O adalah..x tau la kenapa diorang ubah..harga makanan plak makin mahal….harga sume makin naik..aku pun dh lama x gi restoran tuh sejak restoran tuh berubah..x cantik mcm dulu..tapi pe pun makanannya tetap sedap la kan tu yg buat rindu tuh wakakaka..
Kawan baik aku tuh pun aku dh lama x jumpe..baru2 ni ada la contact balik..sms kejap..sebab dok bincang ttg kenduri kahwin kawan aku..lepas tuh senyap balik..
Die pun aku tgk balas sms pun ayat pendek2..setahu aku dulu die suka tulis ayat pnjng2 dlm msg hehe..well dulu die selalu kuar dgn aku waktu kami masih bersekolah..tapi skrg die kuar ngan Boyfriend die jer laa..mana nampak aku dah…sedih plak huhuhu..
Bile sms ngan die..die slalu la kata die x lupa kenangan dulu sume..tapi mungkin die x sedar yg die byk berubah..anyway apa pun kita harapkan yg terbaik…

pErLukaH BLoG BaRuu haaa??

Hello uols..dh lama x mencoret kat blog aku nih..

Maklumlah bila kebebasan utk berkata-kata diblog sendiri dah disekat..ada jer mata memandang menunggu silap dan salah..what to say..!#%@*&*(*(@!!!(*#*&)*%
@*&^%#*)(&&^#*#&&*&^@*&#^()*)&_++__(&@^%$$$..betul x??hehehe
aku tgh bercadang nak buka blog baru..so nak servey laa background yg cun2..kat blog baru baru laa rasa bebas sikit..huahuahhuahua..
tapi belum ada masa nak buat..sebab leceh gak nak bukak baru..mcm2 kena uat..nak tukar mcm2..makan masa gak..
well nak seribu daya kan.. ;)

so tungguuu..

mesti ada yg tnya kenapa tiba2 nak buat yg baru??
Blog itu adalah kebebasan seorang blogger utk berkata-kata, meluahkan rasa hati, pandangan yg mungkin pada zahirnya x dpt diluahkan..tapi bila kebebasan itu disalahtafsir dan tidak difahami serta tidak memandang secara positif maka ianya menjadi suatu isu yg besar.
Ikut hati mmg malazzz..nak uat yg baru..tpi what to do !##*#&(!!!!)&***^%%%%%
Tapi x tahu bile…mungkin cepat mungkin lambat..
Tapi dlm masa terdekat niih..aku still guna my lovely blog nih hehe..

14 Feb 2011

6 RoSe CoLors aNd ThEir MeaNings

While no woman would turn down a dozen red roses, find out the other messages you can send by giving a different color or blending the colors in your bouquet.

Red: Love and Romance
One of the most universal of all symbols, the red rose represents true love. It has also appeared throughout history and across cultures as both a political and religious symbol.

Yellow: Friendship, Joy, Get Well
Throughout history, yellow has been closely associated with the sun, making these roses excellent for cheering people up. Yellow roses send a message of appreciation and platonic love without the romantic subtext of other colors. The color represents feelings of joy and delight.

Pink: Love, Gratitude, Appreciation
Pink carries with it the connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance.
Dark pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation, and are a traditional way to say thanks.
Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.

White: Purity, Innocence, Sympathy, Spirituality
Early tradition used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose. Also known as the bridal rose, the white rose is a traditional wedding flower. In this sense, white represents unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new love. White roses are also associated with honor and reverence, which makes them a fitting memorial for a departed loved one.

Orange: Desire, Enthusiasm and Passion
A literal mixture of yellow and red, orange roses were seen as a bridge between friendship symbolized by yellow roses and love represented by red roses. They can be an expression of fascination, or a gift to say 'I'm proud of you.'

Lavender: Enchantment, Majesty, Love at First SightThe color purple has a traditional association with royalty. In this regard, shades of lavender roses suggest an air of regal majesty and splendor.

Source: proflowers.com

9 Feb 2011

Stay tHe SaMe..

LaGu daN LiRik yg BeSt dowh..
Joey McIntyre - Stay The Same


Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.


I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.



Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through