tadi time tgh layan FB..terbaca status Chef Wan kat FanPage beliau..
die bercerita serba sedikit mengenai bekas Isterinya..yelah walaupun dh bercerai berkurun lama..hubungan diorang masih baik,x bermasam muka sume Chef Wan pun beceritalah disana..
kadang2 seronok gak baca Status Chef Wan ni..dh mcm baca karangan gitu..hehehe
ni aku copy paste status fb die kat sini hehe
~>Ramai yang rasa hairan yang Wan dan jugak bekas isteri can still be friend after all this years.To be honest i have alot of love and simpati in my heart for all human being sejak dari kecil lagi.Bila di sekolah pun waktu kecil2 lagi i always loved to help my classmate to do their homework or go to their home to teach them apa2 subject yang i rasa my classmate is weak or have failed in their class test.
Sebagai seorang abang and eldest in the family of 7 i have a huge responsibilities to all my sibllings and parent too.So dari kecil sifat kasih terhadap adik2 dan kawan2 is always in my heart.
As Abang Long i am always protective of all my sibblings and therefore i can never hurt someone feeling much less physically.
I think Allah has blessed me from the time i was a child to have alot of timbang rasa and compassion in my heart despite my mouth being very outspoken if i find something that i dislike.
Sifat2 dendam dan iri hati memang kurang didalam hati bukan tak ada langsung sebab Wan ni kan Manusia biasa.Suatu ketika itu pasti hati akan tergerak ke arah itu when someone aniayakan saya.
However i am glad oftened i fight this negative feeling in me simply because i always try to understand that pada sesuatu perbuatan Jahat sesaorang itu mesti ada orang yang baik,lemah etc yang menjadi Mangsanya.Perogol,pembunuh,Pencuri dan mcm2 so i learned not to balas dendam and let God be the one to do it.Kita cuba bersabar sudah lah.
For this season bila Jodoh Wan tidak Panjang bersama my X wife i have decided to divorce her dihadapan Kadi dan cakap baik2 because we are just two people who are not Compatible.The Marriage Although Agreed by me but was somehow also instigated by my relatives and families as she comes from a really poor and daif family.
My x wife was a beautiful girl just like my Daughter Serina when i married her sehingga satu Kampong nak ambil dia as their son jodoh.From what i heard there were Drs, Guru,Military yang masuk meminang dia but Her grandmother had decided that i was the one for her because she like my personality,kerajinan and hard working.
So when the marriage fail after 4 years i decided to go on my own way and promised to take care opf her for the rest of her life as i cannot see her lived in poverty again after i had rescued her.She was actually anak Yatim because the father died jatuh pokok kelapa and her mother went gila and died afew years later.Her life pun si tragic if i tell u the whole story u will all cry nanti...Ombak Rindu pun Kalah la!
So to be honest with u i married her because i taught i could learned to love her and take care of her.Offcourse lepas tu i start to fall in love with her too tetapi she has this penyakit Jealousy that drifted us apart over the years..Kalau i ada buat tak senonoh tak pe la but she realised after the divorce her huge mistake after she had lost me.By that time is too late.I was a free bird and knew we were never compatible.
In those days kita bukan ada dating2 at 22 yrs old jumpa 2 kali terus kawin.So i cannot sia sia kan hidup nya until today after what she has gone through in life.I learned in life tak guna berdendam dengan orang dan putus kan hubungan kerana Allah tidak suka manusia yang melakukan itu.So i have just done that lah over the years.
She never worked in her life.Sekolah pun sampai darjah 4 and adik beradik 16 orang dan ramai died very early.She no 11 out of 16 tu.
ni bole buat contoh :)
BalasPadambukan macam sesetengah suami yang cuba lari dari tanggungjawab dan lepas tgn
da siap! ni link nyer..
Cef Wan memang baik hati, walaupun orgnya out spoken tapi sifat sgt tinggi semoga Allah memelihara mu didunia dan akhirat Amin.