
19 Apr 2011

TuRniNg 30!! film Review by Me ;)


Turning 30 is the story of the protagonist of the movie Naina (Gul Panag) who is about to celebrate her big three oh and life is a perfect picture with a good job and the perfect guy. However, things turn into a nightmare when her boyfriend breaks up with her to marry a girl who can finance his fathers failing business. She has some setbacks at work when the credit for all her ideas and hardwork goes to undeserving people. With few days left for her birthday she is in a mess - constantly trying to win the guy back. The movie also tells the stories of her two best friends Malini and Ruksana who stand by her and support her though they are going through some rough patches in their lives. Will things workout for Naina ?

Jalan cite filem nih mang senang faham..n byk juga la pengajaran..terutamanya utk kaum Wanita..well not bad laa..enjoy tgk..cite nih mengisahkan ttg Naina yg menghadapi masalah peribadi dan juga masalah kerja dalam masa yg sama..ketika umurnya hampir mencecah 30 tahun..Sebelum ini Naina sgt bahagia dgn kehidupannya..Namun ketika dia bersedia untuk memberikan komitmen dalam perkahwinan..segalanya bertukar menjadi huru hara..dan Naina mula terumbang ambing..apabila ditinggalkan kekasihnya,dikhianati kawan sekerja, desakan ibunya dan pelbagai lagi..well korang sume aku sarankan patut tgk cite nih..bleh search kat tenet utk tgk cite nih..well pelakon utama cite nih iaitu Gul Panag adalah Miss India 1999..and berjaya sampai ke peringkat top 10 dlm pertandingan Miss Universe 1999 gak.aku pun baru tau hehehe..die mmg comey..aku suke tgk die senyummm sgt sweet ada lesung pipit lagi..so sweet sgt..aku bagi filem nih 3.7 dari 5 bintang..

Petikan kata2 daRi dalam FiLem ini..
-They say getting busy with Life is the best therapy for heartbreak. If onLy it was that simpLe…..

-“After Rain comes Sunshine..Just as winter aLways turns to Spring. But the SpriNg bLossom dePeNds on How weLL we aRe abLe to use the winter…I guess I had Learnt to bRave the wiNter..And it was finaLLy time to gReet SpRiNg!....”

4 ulasan:

  1. comelnye gambo cite ni :D cam menarik nak tengok :D

  2. hmmm...turning 30 ye..
    seb baik by 30 da dapat semua yg dia nak hehehe

  3. syg, i pon dah tgk cite nieh! hahhahaha, it's like cite omputeh kan? mmg cakap english 90% and x banyak pasal indian culture.

    but it's the story of a person life, jadi syarni pon mintat plus ayat ayat die cakap sgt deep ! LOVE IT

    rekomen kat org yg x expect nak layan cite hindustan ;P

  4. aah poster filem nih sgt qiut..menarik n sweet gitu..jln cite die pun boleh tahan walaupun agak kebaratan sikit..tapi still ada pengajaran kan terutamanya pada wanita..bagaimana wanita itu harus bangkit dari kegagalan..n filem nih juga mengangkat tema kewanitaan..so x rugi menontonnya =)


Terima Kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan komen anda di sini. Sila komen dengan berhemah yer.

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